The pelvic floor is a set of muscles and ligaments found at the base of the pelvis. Its main function is to support the digestive, urinary and reproductive apparatus, i.e., it is responsible for controlling urinary and anal continence.
Why should I do pelvic floor rehabilitation after childbirth?
One of the main causes of pelvic floor weakening is the process of pregnancy and the subsequent postpartum period, producing atrophy and vaginal dryness.
When you have a baby by cesarean section or natural childbirth with or without episiotomy you are advised to rest for 4-6 weeks and then you are discharged to start exercising as usual. We get really happy and go back to training like we did before we were pregnant and that’s when things usually go wrong.
After giving birth the body needs to heal, connect with your deep abdominal girdle and your pelvic floor, this is postpartum rehabilitation and all women need it after becoming mothers. That is why it is important to visit your physiotherapist for a review of the same and to carry out a proper training in the postpartum period.

When should you check your pelvic floor?
- During pregnancy to learn how to perform proper exercises and for perineal massage.
- If when you cough or sneeze you leak urine.
- You go to the bathroom frequently and yet you still have the urge.
- You notice a feeling of heaviness in the vagina or anus or if you notice something coming out.
- You feel pain during sexual intercourse.
- After pregnancy you notice that when you make an effort a lump comes out.
- A lot of air enters the vagina during exercise or sexual intercourse.

At Bwell we want to help you in your postpartum process, that’s why we have Berta, our physiotherapist specialized in pelvic floor. She can help you improve these problems by rehabilitating these muscles.
In addition, we also have Lucas our personal trainer who can make you a personalized plan to get you back to exercise safely after childbirth.
If you would like more information or have any questions, you can contact us by calling us at 931 282 112 or writing to