Following a balanced diet, according to our needs, and incorporating a good physical activity in our routine, are essential to strengthen our immune system and correct any excess or alteration that may have occurred during the summer.

Tips to maintain a good diet:

  • Organize the purchase

Be aware of seasonal ingredients and plan menus with foods from all food groups in the right proportions.

  • Add power to your food

Take into account the preparation, conservation and the way of combining.

The way food is cooked also influences its nutritional quality: know the differences between steaming, microwaving, boiling or sautéing.

By combining these factors in the right way, you will achieve more nutritious and healthier dishes.

  • We are made of water

Another essential point for the optimal functioning of the organism is to hydrate adequately. Don’t forget to always have your water or herbal teas at hand!

Do you want to improve your eating habits and your physical condition? At Bwell Clinic we offer you a personalized treatment through a balanced diet adapted to your needs, with a scientific approach and without losing sight of the art of gastronomy and the pleasure of eating.

That’s why we count on Maria Valero, our nutrition expert.

If you would like more information or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us by calling us at 931 282 112 or writing to

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