Yoga and Pilates are two of the most practiced disciplines today, however, although at first glance they may seem very similar, they have notable differences between them. When deciding between one or the other, it is necessary to analyze the objectives you are pursuing and the results you wish to achieve.

4 main differences

  • Typology

Yoga is used to balance the body, mind and spirit. Pilates, on the other hand, is designed to stretch, strengthen and balance the body with the help of the breath.

  • Practice

Yoga is practiced by performing static postures that simulate figures and following the rhythm of our breathing. In Pilates, on the other hand, the exercises are more intense and quicker and are performed with the body in motion.

  • Objectives

Yoga seeks mental and physical relaxation and increased flexibility. Pilates, on the other hand, seeks to strengthen muscle tone and increase strength.

  • Equipment

To perform yoga, the equipment you need is a mat and certain accessories, which are not strictly necessary. On the other hand, to perform pilates, you need more specific equipment, such as machinery, although it can also be done on a mat or with a balance ball ofitball.

How are they similar?

In spite of all their differences, yoga and Pilates are disciplines with many similarities. The main similarities are:

  • They are based on breath control.
  • They attach great importance to postural correction.
  • They help to improve flexibility and balance.
  • Low impact exercises are performed.

At Bwell Clinic we always care about your health and we invite you to discover these two disciplines that we know you will love with Marta Romero, our Pilates teacher and Vladimir Jandov and Fabiana Iraci, our Yoga teachers.

If you would like more information or have any questions, you can contact us by calling us at 931 282 112 or writing to

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