Psychology is the science that studies the processes of the human mind, sensations, perceptions and behavior of human beings in relation to the physical and social environment that surrounds them.
In this sense, the psychologist is the professional who will help you understand these processes that are formed in the mind.
Why go to a psychologist?
There are many reasons why you can go to this professional, since psychology can help us in our day to day or also if we have any conflict.
Whether changes have occurred in our environment that make us feel that we have been managing emotions in an uncontrolled way or different, as if we want to learn and deepen about why we are feeling that emotion or behavior, are some of the reasons why we might make an appointment for a psychology session.

When should we see a psychologist?
Some symptoms that indicate that we should see a professional are:
- Stress
- Irritability
- Insomnia
- Apathy
- Concentration problems
- Voltage
- Social withdrawal
- Feelings of sadness for no apparent reason
- Negative or difficult to manage emotions that predominate most days
When our mood declines and it becomes difficult to function in these areas as we did before, it is an indication that our mental health may be deteriorating and we should see a specialist.
How does a psychology professional work?
The work is done on an individual basis, thus creating a space of trust between the two. The professional will guide us in the process of mental learning that we must do, from a condition without judgment and always accompanying us.

From Bwell Clinic we want to help you to overcome this difficult stage, to find yourself again and to get rid of what limits you, that is why we also offer a psychology service performed by our professional Lucia Pirla.
We use a natural approach: we believe in the self-healing power of the body and mind so we offer you the tools to achieve it. What varies is the means to achieve it. For this reason, we have brought together in the same place professionals with expertise in various disciplines, including psychology.
You are unique: your lifestyle, your job, the sport you practice and your level of training. We respond to a basic need: the need to be well and feel comfortable in the body and mind you inhabit. We want you to find your balance again.
If you would like more information or have any questions in the field of psychology, please do not hesitate to contact us by calling 931 282 112 or writing to