The pandemic has changed our lives in many ways, but has our mental health been affected, and have cases requiring psychological intervention increased?
Mental health and the pandemic
The mental health of the Spanish population has suffered since the beginning of the pandemic, and this has led to an increase in anxious and depressive symptoms.
According to the report by the Sociological Research Center (CIS), 43.7% of people who have gone to a specialist during this first year of the pandemic have required psychological care for anxiety, and 35.5% have done so for depression.

Why have anxiety cases increased so much?
Anxiety is an adaptive and normal physiological response to stressful or threatening situations, but the problem arises when this response intensifies or does not disappear.
The isolation and social distancing that we have experienced (and continue to experience), as well as the advances and setbacks in the phases of de-escalation, over-information in the media… produce a general increase in the population’s anxiety levels, and this can lead to severe psychological problems.

From Bwell Clinic we want to help you to overcome this difficult stage, to find yourself again and to get rid of what limits you, that is why we also offer a psychology service performed by our professional Lucia Pirla.
We use a natural approach: we believe in the self-healing power of the body and mind so we offer you the tools to achieve it. What varies is the means to achieve it. For this reason, we have brought together in the same place professionals with expertise in various disciplines, including psychology.
You are unique: your lifestyle, your job, the sport you practice and your level of training. We respond to a basic need: the need to be well and feel comfortable in the body and mind you inhabit. We want you to find your balance again.
If you would like more information or have any questions in the field of psychology, please do not hesitate to contact us by calling 931 282 112 or writing to