Vertigo is the sensation of spinning, dizziness or motion sickness, even though the body is motionless. This is an obvious symptom that there is a problem to be solved in the body.
Why do vertigo appear?
Dizziness can be caused by several factors. Finding the origin of such vertigo is crucial, because depending on where it comes from, a fully customized treatment will be determined to get to the root of the problem.
Some of the causes may be:
- Inner ear problems.
- Cervical spine problems.
- Head injuries.
- Tumors.
- Neurological problems.

How are they diagnosed?
When diagnosing vertigo, the osteopath first asks the patient several questions in order to find out what the current problem is and the patient’ s history.
After answering all the questions, the osteopath will perform several tests to diagnose the vertigo and to know which treatment is the most suitable.
The most commonly used diagnostic tests are:
- Electroencephalogram
- Magnetic resonance imaging
- Audiometry