Body Psychotherapy is a type of psychotherapy that was born with the work of Wilhelm Reich and where the mind and body of the patient are treated as a single unit.

What is body psychotherapy?

Body Psychotherapy helps the person to integrate deep aspects of his life that have provoked anger, sadness, fear or some negative emotion, relating them to everything that happens in his body, affecting his well-being and his way of relating to others.

The main objective of Body Psychotherapy is to help people to have a better knowledge of themselves.

What are the benefits?

Body Psychotherapy has many benefits, but they can be divided into two sections: the mind and the body.

The benefits it provides at a mental level are:

  • Decrease of limiting beliefs, such as, for example, “I am not good for this”.
  • Reduction of fears and anger towards other people or oneself.
  • Improvement in the relationships of dependence on people.

The benefits it brings to the body are:

  • From the body can be eliminated or diminished.
  • Reduction of chronic pain.
  • Reduction or elimination of stress or nerves.

At Bwell Clinic we will help you work on your body and mind as a single unit with Elina Nykanen, our expert in body psychotherapy and yoga trauma.

If you would like more information or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us by calling us at 931 282 112 or writing to

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